Offline Stack Overflow Access

I’m proud to announce that I’m working on bringing offline Stack Overflow access to Dash, based on the Stack Exchange Data Dump.

The upcoming Stack Overflow docset will let you:

  • Search all questions directly from within Dash, just like any other docset
  • View comments and answers for any question, without any Internet access
  • Waste around 20GB of disk space

If you’re short on disk space, don’t worry! I’m also working on an online-only version of the docset. This version will let you search Stack Overflow using Dash’s blazing fast search engine, but the content will come from instead of your drive.

Beyond Stack Overflow: I’m also working on bringing support for all of the Stack Exchange sites, especially my personal favorite –

This is NOT an April Fools’ joke. If all goes well this will come with the next update of Dash.